Are you a Mentor, a Protégé or perhaps both?

What do the names Socrates, Plato and Aristotle bring to your mind? Are you now thinking about philosophy, wisdom, teachers, students, communication, sharing knowledge, building relationships or the challenging of conventional ideas? While silently thinking back on your career to date, are there individuals with whom you had or have a mentoring relationship? How have those individuals influenced or shaped your approach and thinking as it relates to our world?

I have found that during some challenging circumstances or interactions, the image or voice of a compassionate and knowledgeable individual from my past immediately springs to mind. Along with the image comes a question such as, “How will you handle the current challenge?”. After a period of deep thought, the voice (although not real) quietly affirms that my reasoning is now on the right track.

Throughout our careers, we have opportunities to interact and learn from individuals who want to invest their time, energy, and effort in us to move our industry forward towards our collective mission to benefit consumers.

I am grateful for those kind advisors of diverse age, gender & culture who have consistently encouraged the use of keen observation, the use of reason and the courage to be vulnerable. This has resulted in my increased willingness to embrace both thoughts and feelings, to make sense of the world (where possible), and to better connect with team members, colleagues, friends, and family members.

Are you a mentor, a protégé or perhaps both?

Leave a comment and share your thoughts.

#LiveLongAndProsper #leadership

Written by Garnet Thompson